We see ourselves as dedicated champions of resilience, blending strategy and creativity to shape disaster and climate risk solutions.
Our expertise lies in understanding user needs and bridging the gap between those who produce risk information and those who apply it. We specialize in generating, interpreting, and utilizing risk insights to drive effective risk management and adaptation policies and programs.

Understanding Disaster and Climate Risk
We have deep expertise in disaster and climate risk assessment, serving as both translators and mediators between technical experts who generate hazard- and sector-specific risk information and practitioners who require integrated, multi-hazard, and cross-sectoral insights for policy and program development.
We design, convene experts, and guide the development of hazard and risk assessment projects. We support our clients in the following:
Defining the purpose and scope of risk assessment
Understanding the linkage with DRR decisions
Scoping the project
Managing the process and communication with all technical players
Interpreting risk data
Advising on data management
Preparing the results to be understandable and usable
Communicating the results with users and decision makers
We typically partner with technical institutions with in-depth expertise in quantitative hazard and risk modeling while we conduct the qualitative component as well as engagement with the stakeholders and rights holders throughout a risk assessment process.

Developing Disaster and Climate Risk Management Strategies and Policies
We advise our clients in designing and managing the process of developing climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction strategies and policies that are aligned with the Sendai Framework for DRR (2015-2010) and most recent approaches developed globally.
We use a collaborative approach rooted in beliefe that the agency for risk management sits with a wide range of actors across the society.
We believe the era of siloed work in disaster and cliamte risk management is behind us. We use our experience and understanding of the two fields and their history, to develop integrated strategies and action plans.

Capacity Development
We develop and facilitate workshops, webinars, or training sessions that are customized to the objectives and needs of the audience on various aspects of disaster and climate risk assessment, disaster risk management and climate adaptation.
The capacity development services can be in different mechanisms, including:
Learning by doing
Series of in person workshops
Short in person or online seminars
Courses at universities or technical institutions
Desiging a certificate program, or university course
About Us
Depending on the project requirements, the Sage team creates and leads a dynamic team of experts to work together in designing innovative solutions and delivering successful results. To learn more about Sage's collaborators, click here.
Meet Sage Core Team

For any inquiries please email: Sahar.Safaie AT SageOnEarth.ca