DRR Pathways Project: Incentives for Mitigation & Adaptation Investments

Output: Resilience Pathways Report Website containing articles and videos;
Project website containing reports on all components
Resilience Pathways Report (GoC Publications Page)
What is the Resilience Pathways Report?
Library of all recommendations
SAGE Role: SAGE was the lead contractor for this project led by National Resources Canada. SAGE worked with various research and academic institutions on technical components such as systemic critical infrastructure risk assessment and probabilistic risk modelling, risk governance, capacity development, and decision making under uncertainty. SAGE led the components related to risk governance and risk communication in collaboration with many policy-making institutions.
Sahar acted as the technical lead, designer, project manager and co-author of the Summary for Policymakers. Sahar led the process to guide more than 120 experts from a wide range of institutions to share their knowledge and expertise on variety of topics focusing on disaster and climate risk management in B.C. The 18 articles of the report share knowledge about various risks and identifies gaps and opportunities for enhancing risk management and influencing policies and programs that will be designed in near future to implement B.C.’s modernized Emergency Program Act and Climate Preparedness and Adaptation Strategy.
This $ 1.5 million project spanning over 2.5 years was funded by the Canada Safety and Security Program (CSSP).
Client: National Resources Canada (NRCan)
Partners and collaborators: NRCan, UBC, Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction (ICLR), UViC, Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC), Compass Resource Management, Emergency Management BC, North Short Emergency Management, B.C. Climate Action Secretariat, Public Safety Canada
Timeline: 2019 - 2021
The outcomes:
Awareness and knowledge sharing: A large number of practitioners, researchers, and policy makers at all levels of the government and non-governmental organizations learned about best practices in risk assessment and risk management in B.C. and internationally and elevated their understanding of the Sendai Framework principles and their relevance to B.C.’s modernization of the Emergency Management Act and the path forward.
Disaster/Climate Risk Management Hub: This concept was developed through the DRR Pathways project and was endorsed by the Climate Action Secretariat, EMBC (at the time) and GeoBC. Various Provincial initiatives are establishing different components of the Hub.
Policy Influence: The recommendations have influenced the direction that the Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness and the Climate Action Secretariat are taking.